中国故事 64 The Long Haired Girl Part 1 长发姑娘1

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中国故事 64 The Long Haired Girl Part 1 长发姑娘1

2023-04-10 10:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

RouRou trotted over and bit it. The pink thing was a turnip even bigger than RouRou!

Xiao grabbed ahold of the turnip and pulled. Water poured from its base.

As she leaned in for a drink, the turnip popped back into its hole, taking the water with it.

Xiao yanked. The turnip popped out of its hole again, like a stopper pulled from a bathtub. Water filled the hole. Xiao and RouRou started to drink. The turnip snapped back into its hole.

“Aaaahhh, that’s better!” growled a low voice. “My water.” Xiao kicked the turnip. “You . . . you . . . VEGETABLE! This water’s for everyone and everything on this mountain!” She wrapped her long hair around the turnip like a rope and pulled. The water poured out.

Suddenly, a giant mountain god appeared before Xiao wearing a bathrobe and a big frown. He squinted his tiny eyes and tomped his feet. “Who dares disturb my bath!”

Xiao had never been scared of anyone in a bathrobe before!

“Why is a hairy child and a pink child causing this trouble?” asked the god, pointing at Xiao and the pink pig.

Xiao thought quickly. “This side of the mountain—your mountain—is dying. You don’t leave the bath, so you don’t know.”

“I know you must leave my bath stopper where it belongs.” The god sat on the turnip and patted it.

RouRou trotted over to the mountain god, oinking. “I like the pink child better than the hairy child,” said the mountain god.

He curled a long finger at Xiao. “You have a choice to make. You can take water from my bath once a day. Enough for a bucket the size of this delightful pink child. Tell no one.”

“What’s my other choice?”

He sighed loudly. “My, but I wish children were smarter. I thought it was obvious. If you choose to tell, I will kill you.”

Xiao got very angry. “You have a choice too!” she yelled. “Give us our water!” Her mind searched for an idea. “Or . . . or . . . I won’t tell you about what the other god is doing!” she lied.

She grabbed RouRou and ran before the mountain god could ask

questions. She didn’t know any other gods, but the mountain god almost never left his cave. Maybe she could scare him into sharing the water?

The next day, they returned to the turnip. “The other god says you have to share your water,” she lied as she filled her bucket. “Or else.”

“What do I care?” The mountain god sang loudly in response. “I farted in the tub today, today, today!”

Xiao thought about the choice she had to make. Could she take a little water to the people in her village? They had cared and loved for her when her mother died. But she knew that she would tell them the secret.

Then she would die. Instead, she cut herself off from the people she loved.

During one of her visits to the turnip, the mountain god said to Xiao, “Your hair is turning white, child. Probably from stress. Too bad you don’t have the wisdom of age . . . Just the worry and the hair.”

Xiao yelled, “The other god says if you don’t share the water, thieves will eat your turnip! Your tub will become a river! And the other god is more powerful than you!”

“Impossible!” he roared, shaking the mountain.

The End

Question: When people talk, they don’t always use proper grammar.Who made a mistake and which sentence has the mistake?

1. Xiao made a mistake when she said, “This water’s for everyone andeverything on this mountain!”

2. The mountain god made a mistake when he sang, “I farted in the tubtoday, today!”

3. The mountain god made a mistake when he said, “My, but I wishchildren were smarter.”

4. The mountain god made a mistake when he said, “Why is a hairy childand a pink child causing this trouble?”


pole n. 扁担

bump v. 碰、撞

banyan n. 榕树

slosh v. 液体般晃动,边移动边溅泼

strand n. (绳、线等的)股,缕

pen n. 围栏

piglet n. 小猪(尤指乳猪)

pigweed n. 苋,藜

turnip n. 芜菁

duck v. 忽的低下头,忽的弯下身

trot v. 小跑,疾走

yank v. 猛拉,使劲拉

snap v. 敏捷地动作,迅速地行动

growl v. 咆哮

squint v. 眯着眼看,斜着眼看

oink v. (猪)作呼噜声

fart v. 放屁

My, but I wish children were smarter. 此句为虚拟语态,意思为





































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